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Accreditation of Representative offices

Accreditation of Representative offices and issuing permits for activities on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan is carried out by the Ministry of investments and foreign trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MIFT).

Accreditation of foreign commercial companies on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan is regulated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the approval of the regulation on the accreditation of representative offices of foreign commercial organizations in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the procedure for their operation" dated 07.02.2024, #76


Tax on income of individuals ​​​​​​for employees - residents or non-residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan - 12%;
Social tax - 12%;
Property tax (real estate located and used in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan);
Customs duties / fees, excise tax, VAT (in case of import of goods and materials and cars into the Republic of Uzbekistan).

 The list of documents required for accreditation of a Representative office in Uzbekistan (download here: word.gif in Russianword.gif in English).

We provide the next services :

1. consulting, preparing the necessary samples for completing a package of documents from the head office;
2. accompaniment to the notary office of the Head of the Representative office to certify the Regulations of the Representative office (if needed);
3. providing the complect of documents of foreign company to MIFT and sending to clients a copy of the application with a mark of acceptance;
4. receiving of an invoice for payment of state duty in UZS, in the amount 16 320 000 UZS for 1 year of accreditation;
5. receiving of accreditation certificate;
6. design of the preliminary sketch of round seal (of any design, tooling, and type) of the Representative office for the advance approval;
7. receiving of TIN of the Representative office (possible only if the Head of the Representative Office has personal ID);
8. production of a round seal of the Representative office according to the approved sketch;

9. preparation of the necessary documents for the bank (for opening bank accounts);
10. consultation on the next steps by the Head of the Representative office.

PROLONGATION of the accreditation of a Representative office 

Please be aware that documents for prolongation of accreditation of representative office are to be submitted not later than 1 month prior to it's expiring. In case of violation of this term activity of representative office is considered to be finished after the expiry of its accreditation. Also, the Companies which will be accredited the third year need to update a set of documents.

We provide the next services in the process of prolongation of a Representative office:

1. checking and preparation of a package of documents and issuance of the necessary samples;
2. accompaniment to the notary office of the Head of the Representative office to certify the Regulations of the Representative office (if needed);
3. preparation of the activities report of Representation and the statement according to information provided from the Head of Representative office. 
4. providing the complect of documents to MIFT and sending to clients a copy of the application with a mark of acceptance;
5. receiving of an invoice for payment of state duty in UZS, in the amount 16 320 000 UZS for 1 year of accreditation;
6. receiving of accreditation certificate.


Services for Representative Offices of foreign Companies:

Type of service: 

The cost of the service:


Support in the accreditation of Representative Offices
of foreign commercial companies 

from 9 000 000 UZS (our service) 

+ 18 000 000 UZS (the government fee for 1 year of accreditation is paid by the client independently in the process of work) 

working days from the
date of
 submission of the documents in MIFT

Individual accreditation of employees of Representative offices 

2 000 000 UZS (our service) 
+ 600 000 UZS (the government fee for 1 year of accreditation is paid by the client independently in the process of work)

10 working days

Prolongation of the accreditation period
of a Representative office

5 000 000 UZS (our service) 
+ 18 000 000 UZS (the government fee for 1 year of accreditation is paid by the client independently in the process of work)

8 working days

Accounting of a Representative office
of a foreign company in Uzbekistan 

from 5 000 000 UZS (monthly)


Accreditation of representative offices in Tashkent, Accreditation of representative offices in Uzbekistan, Accreditation of Companies in Uzbekistan, Accreditation office Tashkent, Accreditation office Uzbekistan, office in Tashkent, branch in Uzbekistan, branch in Tashkent, a representative office in Uzbekistan Tashkent, Formation of a representative office of a foreign company in Uzbekistan, A foreign company representative office in the Republic of Uzbekistan, services in registration of representative offices of foreign companies in Uzbekistan