Главная » Taxes, rates, payment due dates and tax reporting for the enterprises in Uzbekistan in 2023

Taxes, Rates, Payment due dates and tax reporting for the enterprises in Uzbekistan in 2023

For non-payers of value added tax, including:

- enterprises whose gross revenue for the tax period exceeds 1 000 000 000 UZS;
- importers of goods;
- manufacturers of excisable goods (services) and (or) mining minerals;
- legal entities - agricultural producers if they have irrigated agricultural land with an area of ​​25 hectares or more;
- legal entities selling gasoline, diesel fuel and gas;
- legal entities engaged in lottery organization activities;
- a trustee - a participant in a simple partnership, who is entrusted with the management of the affairs of a simple partnership - for activities carried out within the framework of a simple partnership agreement;
- legal entities - owners of empty buildings, non-residential structures and objects of unfinished construction, as well as those who do not use production areas for which an opinion on their inefficient use has been made, in accordance with the procedure established by law;
- legal entities that carry out the construction of facilities (with the exception of current and capital repairs) at the expense of centralized sources of financing;
- stationary outlets for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer;
- markets and shopping malls;
- organizations of tax consultants, audit organizations;
- non-profit organizations (including budgetary ones). At the same time, non-profit organizations are VAT payers only if they carry out commercial activities. At the same time, non-profit organizations are VAT payers only in the case of entrepreneurial activity.

- PROFIT TAX. The rate is determined depending on the type of activity (basic rate - 15%, for individual taxpayers - 20%). The calculation is due before the 20th day of the month following the reporting quarter, annual calculation - no later than March 1 of the year following the expired tax period. Tax payment is made no later than the deadline for submitting tax returns.

Taxpayers whose total income for the previous tax period exceeded 5 000 000 000 UZS pay monthly advance tax payments no later than the 23rd day. The monthly advance payment is calculated by the tax authorities.

- VALUE ADDED TAX. The rate is 12%. Calculation and payment before the 20th day of the month following the expired tax period (tax period - month). 

For those enterprises whose gross revenue for the tax period DOES NOT exceed 1 000 000 000 UZS and other payers of turnover tax/sales tax:

- TURNOVER TAX/SALES TAX. The rate is 4%. Calculation need to be done up to the 15th of the month following the reporting month, annual calculation - no later than 15th of February of the year following the expired tax period. Payment no later than the deadline for payment. 

The right to reduce the income tax rate by 50% is granted for the following category of taxpayers:

a) taxpayers of turnover tax who first switched to paying income tax after 01th September 2022 – during one tax period following the year in which the taxpayer switched to paying tax, provided that in the tax period in which the reduced tax rate is applied, the taxpayer's total income did not exceed 10 000 000 000 UZS.

At the same time, these taxpayers have the right to determine the tax base in a simplified manner in the amount of 25% of total income.

b) taxpayers whose total income during the current tax period exceeded 10 000 000 000 UZS for the first time after September 1, 2022 – during the current tax period and the subsequent tax period, provided that in tax periods in which a reduced tax rate is applied, the total income did not exceed 10 000 000 000 UZS.

The reduced tax rate does not apply to taxpayers of the subsoil use tax and excise tax, as well as in the case of liquidation of the taxpayer, and (or) identification of facts of division (fragmentation) of income from the sale of goods (services) of the taxpayer between two or more business entities for the application of a reduced tax rate.

Turnover tax payers have the right to pay tax in a fixed amount. This right gives a complete waiver of accounting, that is, work only on the cash method. The taxpayer has an obligation only to either issue invoices, or to issue checks through an online cash register.
Turnover tax payers have the right to voluntarily switch to paying tax in a fixed amount with a total annual income of

no more than 500 000 000 UZS – the tax is equal to 20 000 000 UZS per year;
over 500 000 000 UZS – the tax is equal to 30 000 000 UZS per year.

The tax in a fixed amount is paid monthly in equal installments – no later than the 15th day of the month following the calendar month.

For all enterprises that have a Cadastre:

- LAND TAXThe rate depending on location in accordance with Article 429 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Calculation before 10th of January of the current reporting period. Payment by taxpayers who are not payers of turnover tax - before the 10th day of each month, in the amount of 1/12 of the annual tax amount. Turnover tax payers pay the tax no later than the 20th of the third month of each quarter, in the amount of 1/4 of the annual tax amount.

- PROPERTY TAX. The rate is 1.5%. But in relation to the objects of construction not completed within the standard period - the rate of 3%. Advance payments are paid by taxpayers who are not payers of TURNOVER TAX/SALES TAX, no later than the 10th day of each month, in the amount of 1/12 of the annual amount of tax. TURNOVER TAX/SALES TAX payers pay advance payments no later than the 10th day of the third month of the reporting quarter quarterly, in the amount of 1/4 of the annual amount of tax. Calculation by the deadline for submission of annual financial statement.

For those enterprises which have an agreement with a water utility: 

- TAX FOR USE of WATER RESOURCES. The rate depending on the type of activity in accordance with Article 445 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The advance reference till 20th of January of the current tax period, and new legal enterprises - no later than thirty days from the date of state registration. Advance payments are paid by enterprises that are not payers of TURNOVER TAX/SALES TAX, whose tax amount exceeds 200 base estimate, no later than the 20th day of each month, in the amount of 1/12 of the annual tax amount. Enterprises whose tax amount does not exceed 200 base estimate, as well as TURNOVER TAX/SALES TAX payers, pay tax no later than the 20th day of the third month of each quarter, in the amount of 1/4 of the annual tax amount. Calculation by the deadline for submission of annual financial statement. 

Taxes related to wages:

- SOCIAL TAX. Rates depending on the type of taxpayer (base rate is 12%). Calculation and payment up to 15th day of the month following the reporting one, and by the end of the year - at the time of submission of the annual financial statement. Tax need to be paid no later than the deadlines for the submission of tax report.


Rates: for residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan - 12%; for nonresidents - 12%.
The calculation is provided by the tax agent until the 15th day of the month following the reporting one, and at the end of the year - at the time of submission of the annual financial statement.
The payment at the same time as income is paid to the taxpayer, but no later than the deadlines for submitting tax reports.

- INPS (individual funded pension system). The rate is 0.1% (inside the personal income tax). Calculation and payment before the 14th day of the month following the reporting one. Payment no later than the deadline for submission of tax reports.
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