Our address: office #101, 85/1 Nukus str., Mirabad district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100015
Phones: +99893 180-18-01, +99871 254-63-65, E-mail: info@legal-force.uz |
Kind greetings on the web site of «LEGAL FORCE» Consulting Center! On our web site we have tried to give the most complete information about us and our services, including the preparation of documents required for registration and re-registration, accounting, obtaining of licenses and other permits for your company in Uzbekistan, as well as many others services. Especially for you, we have collected the most interesting and useful information that will help you in solving your issues, if necessary, we will provide you with a free consultation on the preparation the documents of your companies, registration of companies, address registration and other consulting services. The specialists of our center speak 3 languages. For our regular customers we offer special programs, seasonal discounts and special conditions of service. About us: «LEGAL FORCE» has been providing services for organization and support of business in the Republic of Uzbekistan since 1999. During this time, we have accumulated a wealth of experience in this field. Presently «LEGAL FORCE» is a consulting center, located for the convenience of customers in the city center, the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. Business contacts of the Center allow to well-timed and effectively solve the problems arising during activity of any enterprise, as well as in the daily life of citizens. Our work includes all the steps required to build a business. For any question, you can always get advice on our phones: +998931801801, +998712546365 |