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Главная » Design and registration of logos / trademarks
Design and registration of logos / trademarksTrademarks are the designations that are designed to allow individualization of goods and allowing to distinguish one manufacturer’s goods from the others ones and it is subject to a special registration. Registration of your trademark (brand name), in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, will provide you with the exclusive right to use it and it prohibits the use by any third party without your permission.
The price of a letterhead design together with 3 business cards (3 options provided, 3 changes allowed) is 400 000 UZS. Our portfolio: Logo design for the State Unitary Enterprise
Logo design for the «Amudarya Avto Gaz» Company
Logo design for the «Platinum Futuris» Company
Logo design for the «Visavis Prime Services» Company
Logo design for the «White Bird Dol» Company
Logo design for the « Jannat Makon Business» Company
Logo design for the « Track Line Logistics» Company
Logo design for the «Spektrocolor» Company
Stamp design