On this page of our website we have collected the most frequently asked questions in the process of registering enterprises:
Question: How can a foreigner get an Id of individuals/personal ID in the Republic of Uzbekistan?
Answer: The Id of individuals/personal ID of a foreign person in the Republic of Uzbekistan can be obtained during his arrival in Uzbekistan or by proxy. With a passport and temporary registration, a foreigner can personally apply to the nearest passport office or to the Public Services Center of any district/city. Date of receipt Id of individuals/personal ID: 1-2 days. Receiveing the Id of individuals/personal ID is regulated by this resolution.
Question: Is it possible to open an LLC or FE LLC to a foreign citizen?
Answer: Yes, a foreign citizen has the opportunity to be the sole founder of an LLC or FE LLC in the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on limited liability and additional liability companies.
Question: Is it possible to open an LLC or an IP LLC, where the sole founder will be a foreign company?
Answer: Yes, a foreign legal entity has the right to be the sole founder of an LLC in the Republic of Uzbekistan (see Article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on limited liability and additional liability companies). At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to part 5 of the above-mentioned Article 7:
"A company may not have another company consisting of one person as a sole participant, unless the sole participant is a joint-stock company consisting of one shareholder".
Question: What are the deadlines for the introduction / formation of the authorized capital after the registration of LLC or FE LLC?
Answer: Each founder/shareholder of LLC or FE LLC must fully contribute to the authorized/capital fund of the company during the period specified by the constituent documents and which can not exceed one year from the moment of state registration.
Question: Is it necessary to appoint a Director and/or chief accountant at the time of company registration and to open a bank account?
Answer: Yes (regarding the Director). No (regarding the chief accountant).
Question: Where is it possible to download the certificate of registration (guvohnoma) of an Uzbek enterprise in electronic form?
Answer: The constituent documents of the Uzbek enterprise (certificate of registration, charter, founding agreement) can be downloaded on the website: https://fo.birdarcha.uz/s/uz_landing (for enterprises registered up to 23th of August 2022), https://new.birdarcha.uz/ or https://my.gov.uz/ using the EDS key of this enterprise.
Question: Taxation of wages and dividends of residents and non-residents.
Personal income tax from wages: for residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan - 12%, for non-residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan - 12%.
Tax on dividends: residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan - 5%, non-residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan - 10%.
Question: How many foreign employees can there be in a Representative Office of a foreign commercial organization?
Answer: The staff of the Representative Office may consist of both foreign citizens and citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At the same time, the percentage of foreign citizens admitted to the Representative Office for work should not exceed 40%, but may not exceed 5 people. Foreign citizens working in the Representative Office must be accredited (issue an accreditation card).
the questions and answers are updated periodically.......