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Registration of LLC in Uzbekistan

Nowdays, Limited Liability Company is one of the most common legal forms of performing a business in the Republic of Uzbekistan (the Law: Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on limited liability and additional liability companies).

LLC is a commercial organization that can be created both by individual, as well as legal persons, both by citizens of Uzbekistan, as well as citizens of other countries for commercialization. 

Founders/shareholders of the LLC are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses related to the company's activities within the value of their shares.

The amount of the authorized capital of LLC is not limited, it can be determined by the founders/shareholders of the LLC, or in accordance with licensing requirements. The size of the authorized capital specified in the constituent documents must be formed within a period which is determined by the constituent documents and which cannot exceed one year from the date of registration. Shares can be formed in the form of cash as well as in the form of property. Number of founders/shareholders can vary from 1 to 50 individuals or/and legal entities.

- the dividends tax for non-residents (foreign individuals or/and foreign legal entities) - 10%.
the dividends tax for residents (local individuals or/and local legal entities) - 5%.

The service includes: 

For residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
For non-residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan: For non-residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

1. consultation;
2. opening a common group in Telegram or WhatsApp for the rapid exchange of information and documents for the registration of the LLC;
3. reservation of company name of LLC;
4. development of a package of individual constituent, as well as other related documents (documents can be provided in Russian or Uzbek languages);
5. design of the preliminary sketch of round seal (of any design, tooling, and type) of the LLC for the advance approval;
6. selection of a special code as the main type of LLC's activity (General State Classification of Economic Activities);
submission of a set of documents for registration, indication of the type of taxation, receipt of a certificate of registration of the LLC;
8. preliminary application for opening bank accounts in 3 banks of Uzbekistan at the client's choice (if necessary);
9. round seal (of any design, tooling, and type);
10. preparation of documents for the Bank (resolutions / minutes of meeting etc.);
11. providing the source files of the constituent documents in digital format, as well as the necessary samples of documents for the start of activity.

2-40.png Price: 1 800 000 UZS (our service)

+ 375 000 UZS (government fee is paid by the client during the registration process)

40_1.png  Time line:  
3-4 working days

"STANDARD" package :

1. consultation of one of two specialists to choose from: an auditor/accountant (choosing the type of taxation) or a lawyer;
2. opening a common group in Telegram or WhatsApp for the rapid exchange of information and documents for the registration of the company;
3. reservation of company name of LLC;
4. development of a package of individual constituent, as well as other related documents (documents can be provided in Russian and Uzbek languages);
5. design of the preliminary sketch of round seal (of any design, tooling, and type) of the LLC for the advance approval;
6. selection of a special code as the main type of LLC's activity (General State Classification of Economic Activities);
submission of a set of documents for registration, indication of the type of taxation, receipt of a certificate of registration of the LLC;
8. preliminary application for opening bank accounts in 3 banks of Uzbekistan at the client's choice (if necessary);
9. round seal (of any design, tooling, and type);
10. preparation of documents for the Bank (resolutions / minutes of meeting etc.);
11. providing the source files of the constituent documents in digital format, as well as the necessary samples of documents for the start of activity.

2-40.png Price: 
starting at 4 000 000 UZS (our service)

+ 375 000 UZS (government fee is paid by the client during the registration process)


40_1.png  Time line: 3-4 working days **

this package of services is convenient for those foreigners who are in Uzbekistan

** time line of registration of LLC is 3-4 working days from the moment of providing full information in the questionnaire of client, originals of all documents from the founders/shareholders, approval of the charter and signing of documents by the founders/shareholders or their representatives  


"PRO" package :

1. consultations of one of two specialists to choose from: an auditor/accountant (choosing the type of taxation) or a lawyer remotely;
2. opening a common group in Telegram or WhatsApp for the rapid exchange of information and documents for the registration of the company;
3. reservation of company name of LLC;
4. receiving of personal ID for founders and director by proxy and attachment to the tax base;
5. assistance in registering a letter of guarantee from the lessor on the website of the State tax Committee (if necessary);
6. development of a package of individual constituent, as well as other related documents (documents can be provided in Russian, Uzbek or English languages);
7. purchase of an Uzbek telephone number to be indicated in the register of enterprises (if necessary);
8. design of the preliminary sketch of round seal (of any design, tooling, and type) of the LLC for the advance approval;
9. selection of a special code as the main type of LLC's activity (General State Classification of Economic Activities);
10. submission of a set of documents for registration, indication of the type of taxation, receipt of a certificate of registration of the LLC;
11. preliminary application for opening bank accounts in 3 banks of Uzbekistan at the client's choice (if necessary);
12. round seal (of any design, tooling, and type);
13. preparation of documents for the Bank (resolutions / minutes of meeting etc.);
14. providing the source files of the constituent documents in digital format, as well as the necessary samples of documents for the start of activity.

2-40.png Price:
starting at 8 000 000 UZS (our service)

+ 375 000 UZS (government fee is paid by the client during the registration process)

40_1.png  Time line: 8-10 working days*** 

* this package of services is convenient for those foreigners who would like to register an LLC remotely, at the same time, the Director will be able to personally open LLC's bank accounts in an Uzbek bank after registration

** this cost is relevant if the number of founders is no more than two. If the number of founders is more than two, the cost is on a separate request

*** time line of registration of LLC is 8-10 working days from the moment of providing full information in the questionnaire of client, originals of all documents from the founders/shareholders, approval of the charter remotely


To start the process of LLC registration in Uzbekistan we need the following:

Step 1: Fill the Questionnaire of client (download here pdf);

Step 2Prepare:

a) if the founders/shareholders are individuals, citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, then it is necessary to prepare:
- copies of passports with registration of all founders/shareholders and the Director (if the Director is not one of the founders/shareholders).
If the Director is a foreign citizen, it is also necessary to prepare a personal ID.  

b) if the founders/shareholders are an uzbek legal entities necessary to provide:
- a copy of the Charter with the previous amendments to the charter, if any;
- a copy of the registration certificate (Guvohnoma);
- a copy of passport of an employee of uzbek legal entity who has the authority to sign from this enterprise.

c) if a foreign citizen is among the founders/shareholders, then it is necessary to provide:
- in case of personal presence: a copy of the passport with a stamp of temporary residence permit and visa, personal ID.

if the founders include a foreign legal entity, it is necessary to provide:

  1. an extract from the commercial register of a foreign legal entity at the place of registration or other document confirming the activity of this legal entity (the extract must contain: the full name of the legal entity, location, information of the person who has the right to sign on behalf of this legal entity). This extract must be provided only if this legal entity will be the sole founder. This extract is valid for 1 (one) year from the date of issue****;
  2. power of attorney for a representative (sample will be provided during the process of our work)****.

**** these documents (depending on the country of issue) must be provided in the form of a notarization, or with an Apostille , or with the legalization of the Consulate of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Step 3: Contact us

Registration of LLC in Uzbekistan, registration a company in Uzbekistan, registration a company in Tashkent, registration LLC in Uzbekistan, registration LLC in Tashkent, LLC in Tashkent, how to registrate a Company in Uzbekistan, how to start a business in Uzbekistan, how to start a business in Tashkent, business in Tashkent, law companies in Tashkent, consulting in Tashkent, law companies in Uzbekistan, consulting in Uzbekistan, opening companies in Uzbekistan, accounting in Uzbekistan, open an LLC in Uzbekistan